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We help you transition your employee benefits information, communications and education online to save time and reduce costs with custom-branded websites and educational videos. Pricing starts as low as $1,500, including custom design and personalized setup with your company benefits plan information.

  • Choose from multiple design templates customized with your branding, colors and identity
  • Compatible with all mobile devices, major web browsers and system requirements specified by your IT department
  • Educational videos that clearly explain complex benefits plan offerings and products to employees
  • Customize the navigation and content of your benefits website with links, PDFs and enrolment forms
  • Easy-to-use content management system (CMS) to update and edit your website
  • Valuable add-on features available, like surveys, polls, forums, newsletters and video communications
  • Website tracking and reporting using Google Analytics
  • Secure video email communications with tracking and reporting

User Profile


Aliquam sodales, risus vel pulvinar consequat, est mi gravida mauris, in tincidunt metus lorem tincidunt dolor.

Nullam egestas eget sapien quis fermentum. Nam sagittis eros at diam faucibus gravida

Where to find us?

Your street 123, Malesuada City
Phone Number
+23 4054 3405
+43 953 4935